
We are the owners of a 1.4 hectare block of land on the Central Coast.

The site includes areas of rainforest which have been badly overrun by non-native plants. Our project is to restore the rainforest and to build an environmentally sustainable house on the site.

This blog records the bush regeneration work we are undertaking and the progress on building the house.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Photos from week starting 19th September

Again great progress is being made on lots of fronts; timber floor, lights, window installation, rainwater tank installation and the retaining walls.  On Friday, when I went up there, I counted 11 utes in the car-park!  It makes us think that completion can't be that far away; but then again there is also a long list of jobs still to do.

The timber floor in the hallway is complete and looks great.  Tonka was definitely the right choice of timber

Timber floor in Peter's room

Timber floor in the study

The skirting boards have also now been fixed

This is the light in the bathroom (there will be a mirror underneath it)

The dining room high level windows have been installed.  The light is our 'space ship' light that we brought with us from London.  It is too high up at the moment and needs to be lowered by 1m (but to do that we need to fit it with new hanging wires)

The north windows in the lounge

The east windows in the lounge

The north facade is now complete (apart from being painted and fixing the lights)

The terraced area to the west of the house

One of the raised vegetable beds sitting on the terrace

The rainwater tanks have been placed under the walkway

The tanks look great.  Just need to connect them to the roof

This is part of the soak away on the east side of the house for the retaining wall on the east side

Posts for the retaining wall in the car parking area.  The wall is only about 0.5m high,  I am not sure that it really needs such a substantial structure but we can be sure that it is going to last for a very long time

The driveway retaining wall has now been backfilled

Also the extract vent for the range hood in the kitchen has been installed.  It looks like a really serious piece of equipment

Kim and Amy were working down by the dam this week and created this great channel to allow the rainwater that runs down the drive to soak away into the bush

This is one of the areas on the north side of the gully where we cleared the lantana this time last year.  We did really well as there has been no regrowth and the native plants are starting to come back

This is a recent area of cleared lantana along the south side the gully and is where we will be working again this summer (you can see the cleared area in the centre, the native plants along the gully on the right and the remaining lantana on the left)

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