
We are the owners of a 1.4 hectare block of land on the Central Coast.

The site includes areas of rainforest which have been badly overrun by non-native plants. Our project is to restore the rainforest and to build an environmentally sustainable house on the site.

This blog records the bush regeneration work we are undertaking and the progress on building the house.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Photos from week starting 30th August

Another good week for the excavation work, although it rained on Thursday afternoon and Friday. This meant that the clay surface was really slippery to walk on.

The driveway at the entrance has now been built up to its final gradient

The top soil from the house excavation is now being used to build up the east slope

The garage area has now been excavated to its final level

Looking south along the full length of the house and swimming pool

About a third of the swimming pool has now been excavated

Kookaburra in a tree next to the house

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