
We are the owners of a 1.4 hectare block of land on the Central Coast.

The site includes areas of rainforest which have been badly overrun by non-native plants. Our project is to restore the rainforest and to build an environmentally sustainable house on the site.

This blog records the bush regeneration work we are undertaking and the progress on building the house.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Photos from week starting 20th September

 Great progress this week - we are nearly ready for the first concrete pour and the boring for the piled foundations started.  There are nearly 70 piles in total; the consequence of building a house on a slope.

Reinforcement for the base of the swimming pool

The excavator has a neat attachment for boring the piles

The garage area with pile holes

Completed pile holes (I hope it doesn't rain before they pour the concrete)

The trench for the drainage pipework has now been excavated for the length of the house

The foundation trench for the east retaining wall has been dug and is ready for the piles to be bored

Area at the north east corner of the house where the pool equipment cupboard will be built

The topsoil is being relaid over the house excavated material along the east boundary of the site

Relaid topsoil along east boundary (looking north)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Photos from week starting 13th September

Matt made more progress with the house, garage and swimming pool foundations, although a big downpour on Wednesday afternoon meant that there was no work on Thursday and the site was still quite wet at the weekend.

Edge boards for the garage foundations

Excavation for the house drainage pipes has started

Preparation for the retaining wall foundations

Fabrication of reinforcement for the retaining wall foundations

The east side of the house is now ready for the piling to start

The foundations around the edge of the swimming pool have now been excavated

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Photos from week starting 6th September

Another really good week.  The swimming pool is fully excavated, the footings for the uphill retaining wall are starting to take shape and fill has been placed on the downhill side of the house.

Preparations are being made for the footings of the uphill retaining wall

The location of the rear wall of the garage

Location of the rear staircase footing

The fully excavated swimming pool

Fill has been placed on the downhill side of the house

The area where the downhill retaining wall will be located

Excavated material from the swimming pool has been moved to the east side of the site

The driveway has now been covered in crushed concrete

Entrance to the site

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Photos from week starting 30th August

Another good week for the excavation work, although it rained on Thursday afternoon and Friday. This meant that the clay surface was really slippery to walk on.

The driveway at the entrance has now been built up to its final gradient

The top soil from the house excavation is now being used to build up the east slope

The garage area has now been excavated to its final level

Looking south along the full length of the house and swimming pool

About a third of the swimming pool has now been excavated

Kookaburra in a tree next to the house