
We are the owners of a 1.4 hectare block of land on the Central Coast.

The site includes areas of rainforest which have been badly overrun by non-native plants. Our project is to restore the rainforest and to build an environmentally sustainable house on the site.

This blog records the bush regeneration work we are undertaking and the progress on building the house.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Photos from week starting 19th July

It is now a year since my first blog!

The following photos show where we were then and where we are now.

This week we have had an incredible amount of rain (200mm) but this doesn't seem to have had too much of an impact on progress.  It has been exciting to see the floor tiling commence and a relief that the internal wet plastering has been completed.

The tiles in the bathroom are natural stone Mercury Basalt.  The look fantastic.

The floor tiles in the Ensuite bathroom

The 600 x 600 floor tiles in the Dining Room also look great

The walls around the fireplace have been plastered

The plastered wall in the study (the wall backs onto the lounge wall).  The holes in the skirting board are for fresh air into the fireplace

Now that study and bedroom walls have been plastered the reverse brick veneer wall construction along the east side is complete.

Piles of tiles in the hallway

The skirting boards are being installed and you can see the shadow line detail between the board and the plasterboard

The scaffolding along the north facade has been taken down and we can now see the way that the light illuminates the lounge.  There are lots of interesting shadows 

The builder has made a mock-up of the rainwater hopper as a template for the actual piece that will be made from metal

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