
We are the owners of a 1.4 hectare block of land on the Central Coast.

The site includes areas of rainforest which have been badly overrun by non-native plants. Our project is to restore the rainforest and to build an environmentally sustainable house on the site.

This blog records the bush regeneration work we are undertaking and the progress on building the house.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Photos from week starting 20th December

In the space of a week there has been another transformation in the house.  The timber framed walls for most of the rooms have now been installed and we can now understand how each room will feel.  This house is going to magnificent!

The timber frames were erected in a couple of days

These are the central corridor walls to the study and bedroom 2

View of the south facade

The external wall of the bathroom and WC

The garage internal brick skin is nearly complete

The timber frame for one of the reverse brick veneer walls on the east facade

The back filling and top soil grading has been completed on the east side of the site

The slope is much shallower than it was before.  All the excavated material from the house is buried here

The  only slightly unfortunate thing is that the builder is now on holiday until the end of January so there won't be any further progress to report until then.

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