
We are the owners of a 1.4 hectare block of land on the Central Coast.

The site includes areas of rainforest which have been badly overrun by non-native plants. Our project is to restore the rainforest and to build an environmentally sustainable house on the site.

This blog records the bush regeneration work we are undertaking and the progress on building the house.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Photos from week starting 24th January

There was very little activity on site this week, partly because it was Australia Day on Wednesday.  So I thought I would load some photos of the work that we have been doing to clear the lantana from the site.

The lintel over the garage door is now in place

The trench behind the retaining wall has been prepared for the drainage materials

The is one of the first areas of the block that we cleared the lantana from.  The lantana on the right shows you the west boundary.  Native grasses have returned and three pencil cedars have naturally grown; the small one in the foreground (with the pink protector) and the two larger ones in the background 

This is also on the west boundary further north as the land slopes down to the gully.  This was previously completely covered in lantana and you can see the native grasses and other plants beginning to return

Looking back up the slope.  The ground is covered in dead lantana stems

Clearing the lantana is very rewarding as it reveals hidden jewels.  This is a small acacia tree

This is will be a beautiful exposed rock when it is fully cleared

In the foreground is a fern and another small tree both of which were swamped by the lantana

The process of clearing lantana is hard work.  You can see the density of the lantana on the left,  the right the cut sticks are piled up to dry out

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Photos from week starting 17th January

There has been a bit more progress this week with the brickwork and some work to stabilize the earthworks along the east boundary of the site.

The back walls of the garage are now at full height.  The garage will be high enough to park a truck in there.

The inside walls of the bathroom and toilet are now finished

The outside skin is nearly there.  You can see the insulation fixed to the inner skin 

The south end walls

Poles pegged into the ground to prevent erosion

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Photos from week starting 10th January

I hadn't expected to be updating the blog until the end of January as the builder has gone on holiday until then.  However work has been going on last week by the bricklayer (on the internal and external walls) and the electrician (on the electrical conduits from the house to the site boundary) and progress has been very encouraging.

The brickwork wall between the lounge and the study where the fireplace will be located is at about three-quarters height (the chimney breast will be in the middle)

The wall along the west side of the lounge and laundry with window openings

The opening for the front door

Front entrance walls

Walls to bedroom 3 and ensuite

External wall to bathroom and WC

Overview of centre section of the house

Overview of south end of the house

Timber frames on east side of house that are part of the reverse brick veneer system
Trench up the driveway with electrical and telephone conduits (there is conduit for the electrical supply to the house and for the solar panels to be connected back to the grid).  The sewer pipe will also be laid in the trench and will follow the branch off to the right

The conduits are connected into the garage